Thursday, May 04, 2006

Random Observations


The people across the street have just played "I've Got Friends (In Low Places)" three times in a row.

If subjecting your neighbors to a Garth Brooks threepeat isn't grounds for justifiable homicide, the American justice system is for naught.


I recently finished a 67-page thesis entitled "The Last Laugh: Humor and Death in the Essays of David Sedaris" about the manner in which Sedaris writes about death in two of his essays. I chose two essays, because there were only two essays. In the latest New Yorker, Sedaris has an article called "Memento Mori" that is almost exclusively about death.

I'm just glad, as an English Honors graduate, I can appreciate the irony of this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is a church playing Garth Brooks at 1 in the morning? Your story sounds suspect.

12:20 PM  

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